Description of the partner
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) is a key player in research, development and innovation in four main areas: defence and security, low carbon energies (nuclear and renewable energies), technological research for industry, fundamental research in the physical sciences and life sciences. Drawing on its widely acknowledged expertise, the CEA actively participates in collaborative projects with a large number of academic and industrial partners.
Within CEA, the LITEN (Laboratory for Innovation in New Energy Technologies), with about 1000 employees, is fully dedicated to the program of new technologies for renewable energy, energy efficiency and circular economy, in line with the Paris Agreement and the European SET plan. LITEN’s network incorporates today more than 350 leading industrial partners, working closely towards innovation in renewable energy and energy efficiency applications, namely solar energy technologies, smart grids, energy efficient and smart buildings, smart cities, hydrogen production, energy storage, fuel cells, along with circular economy and sustainability aspects.
Role in the project
CEA will help the consortium in the development of hybrid ceramic-sulfide electrolytes for solid-state Li-ion batteries. Special attention will be given to in-situ and operando gas analysis. CEA will also be involved in the production of single-layer and 1 Ah pouch cells: design and electrode manufacturing as well as stack assembly by hot pressing. Finally, CEA will be in charge of the safety tests and post-mortem analysis on small and large pouch cells.